To any and all of our readers in the United States who are enjoying Fourth of July festivities this year (and I guess in Denmark? That’s a thing I’ve heard?), please celebrate the holiday responsibly and remember that no matter what anyone tells you, there’s no wrong answer to what you put on a hot dog. Unless it’s ketchup and sauerkraut.

Anyway, we have a very important QUESTION for you all!

Over the years, many readers have asked us how they might be able to support Beyond the Western Deep beyond the occasional Kickstarter or book sale. Up until recently, we were actually pretty content to keep things around that scale.

For as long as we’ve been producing this comic, Rachel and I have considered it something of a side project. But over the last year in particular, we’ve found ourselves thinking… you know, maybe there’s actually something we could do to help us (particularly Rachel, as the main series artist) focus on Western Deep in a more full-time capacity.

If we created a Western Deep Patreon, what are some things you might expect to see? What are some things that might entice you to pitch in?

Please leave a comment with your ideas below, or ping us on Twitter:

And just to be clear up front, anything we do would be additive to the current Western Deep experience. Weekly pages and the underlying posts would still be 100% free no matter what we decide to do.

The long and short of it is, we’d love to be able to focus more attention on Beyond the Western Deep. We’re less than six months away from our TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY and we’re barely at the halfway point in the main story. There’s so much story left to tell, saying nothing of side projects to expand the universe even further, and we want to be able to produce all of it at a more reliable rate.

We’re looking forward to hearing your ideas!