This, as they say, is where the plot thickens. Over the years, this precise moment in the story has seen many different iterations — and perhaps a little later down the line Rachel and I will share them. But for now, this terrible rain and blood-soaked night pushes onward toward its inevitable conclusion.


With an all-ages story like Beyond the Western Deep, we’re often faced with unique creative challenges related to the level of violence we choose to show. If you compare it with any of the Redwall books, which are extremely popular with even the youngest of readers, our story actually may seem tame — but the shift from prose to a visual medium changes everything. If you illustrated many of the Redwall books directly, you’d be presented with some grisly stuff! With Western Deep, even with its occasionally brutal world, we wanted to hide as much violence as possible to keep it appropriate for all-ages and leave a good chunk of it to the imagination.


Speaking of the book, I’m proud to be able to share our very first professional review of Beyond the Western Deep by the School Library Journal! You may also notice that this review specifically calls out the book’s webcomic origins and its “lively discussion posts by devotees”! THAT’S YOU! Our very first review actually calls out our awesome little community of readers! HOW AWESOME IS THAT? :D Anyway, remember that the book is out in less than two weeks in comic shops everywhere! 5/27!

Oh, and speaking of AWESOME, I’d like to share with you some fun guest artwork from reader Jakub Zawadziński! Hailing from Poland, Jakub has demonstrated a love for his country’s history and traditions, and combined it with his enjoyment of Beyond the Western Deep to craft the following image of Quinlan and Dakkan participating in the Lajkonik Parade, a festival that has taken place every June in Poland for the past 700 (!) years!


Jakub goes into the festival’s history in great detail on his DeviantArt post for this image, so if you’re a history buff like me, I’d recommend giving it a read (or checking out the Wikipedia page for the festival and its history at least)!