Chapter 3: Page 28
Oooh, nap time! That’s what one gets for punching Dak — it’s the Advanced Theory of the Transitive Property of Dakkan-Punching. Also, I think this is only the second time we’ve ever experienced a “FLUMP” in the history of Beyond the Western Deep! Can you find the other one? Am I forgetting other ones? See how good your memory is, or at least how quickly you can re-read the extended library of comic pages to find it!
So, I missed a fun little Armello-related update before, and I feel like it’s a good opportunity for cross-promotional synergy as it were. I figure that readers of Western Deep will at least find some level of interest in a game about animal warriors with inspiration pulled from the Redwall books and others of that ilk — and on top of that, I also worked on a ton of writing for it!
The update in question is our latest character pack: The Bandit Clan. These scurrilous rogues (a fox, an otter, a badger, and a squirrel) are all after the king’s crown, and as you can see in this amazing new animated trailer, they’ve got the goods to make it happen!
For guest art this week, since this is the last we’ll be seeing of good ol’ one-eyed canid guard, I wanted to include this hilarious piece that SaraaLuna did for us in the comments section a couple weeks back that might not have made it onto everybody’s radar:
“Who’s my character? What’s my motivation?”
“I dunno, you really don’t like these two, I guess? You tortured one of ’em, maybe had a fun time doing it.”
“Gotcha. Guess I’ll be petty!”
I love how unsure he looks, like he’s not even entirely sure why he’s so salty, but will still super-commit to it because the canid are all method actors and can commit to anything.
As always, Saraa, your artwork elicited a good and proper chuckle from Rachel and myself — thank you so much for you continued contributions to the Salmon Party!
Glad he’s not dead at least.
If he had killed him, people would have started thinking he has something against half-bblind folk.
Maybe Quinlan’s a D&D ranger and chose “people with one functional eye” as his favored enemy.
Me too.
Although now they’ll have to spend time gagging and restraining him.
go, Quin! I hope he gets Dakkan out in time, too… welp. that’s what Wolf-Feyn gets for being petty. and I’m sure Quin is using the third rule of Tesque here with his chains. “everything is a weapon”, right?
correct me if I’m wrong, but I think the last “FLUMP” sound was king Dabheid sitting down on his throne.
I’m loving the guest art! it’s hilarious XD
Wolf-Feyn is what I shall now refer to this character as.
The guest art is reminding me of that “BWD is actually a movie” joke that Jakub started. If that’s so, the set must be quite accident-prone. First Dakkan knocks out Bevan by hitting him with his staff too hard, and now Quinlan chokes Wolf-Feyn too hard and knocks him out too.
And yes, I can confirm that the first “Flump” sound is Dabheid sitting down: There might be more, but I couldn’t find any.
For every save Quinlan gets from preventing causalities, I have a feeling his next adversary wont be quite as lucky. Well! might as well be glad that ended as good as I’ll probably ever get for him. As for one eyed Canid guard…I dont know why, but his face in the 4th panel reminds me of Hobbes so much and I love it for it heh.
Oh Saraa, cant ever get tired of your humor. Even if this might be the last time we’ll see of him, at least the fandom can add him to the collective BWD sea of memes.
I cannot allow it to pass unnoted that Sea of Memes would be an excellent name for a rock band.
His expression is reminiscent of Hobbes when he sticks his nose in the air and intentionally aggravates Calvin.
“You chocked me into unconciousness. I’m NOT okay, okay?”
Yeah at first I thought he was talking to the guard and regretted knocking him out, then I realized he was talking to Dak and was like, “Oh, that makes a lot more sense.”
Aww, poor Canid guard. At least he’s only unconscious rather than dead. I know a certain rebellious slave otter who wouldn’t stop strangling with his chains until his captor was nearly decapitated…
I mean, I found it strange that he apparently wasn’t in any pain and was fully capable of chipping away at the wall, but now he can engage in strenuous violence with a much bigger and stronger Canid and come out on top without so much as an “Ouch!”? Sure, maybe the Canid had good healers to patch up his wound and gave him painkillers (though why they would bother with the latter I don’t know) but Quin’s wound would still need time to, you know, heal.
Eh, sorry for being such a stick-in-the-mud. It’s still a great page, great action and Kobb’s art is always a delight to look at. But still… :P
Quin’s definitely in pain, but adrenaline is a heckuva drug.
Well, be careful. I hear it’s habit-forming.
Honestly, this bugs me less than the wall excavation, simply because there’s adrenaline involved. I can believe he’d do this without remembering or noticing the pain. Holding his arm above his head and chipping away at the mortar for an extended period, on the other hand, is a stretch.
I still expect it to catch up with him soon, either way. If it doesn’t, it’s going to be quite the mark against the comic’s plausibility. It wouldn’t ruin the comic for me by a long shot, but it would be something of an immersion-breaker, and it also feels like a bit of a cheat.
Yeah, he definitely was only using his good arm by the time Jerky McGuardface showed up.
Well, he had just been confronted with the revelation that the canid didn’t need them alive and had a good alibi besides. I suppose that could bolster one’s strength of will pretty good. And really, what alternative was there? Quin and Dak don’t seem the type to just sit around and see what happens in a bad situation. Quin seems to have done a lot of maturing in recent pages; maybe he’s picked up “doing what needs done in spite of the pain” along with all the sass. Or maybe all the pain has helped generate the sass.
I’ve had concussions, sprains, chipped bones, and been yanked harshly over backwards during athletic events, and didn’t feel it until much later.
Adrenaline is an extremely powerful painkiller.
I know you said this 5 years ago so I don’t expect a response but what specifically is this “I know a certain rebellious slave otter who wouldn’t stop strangling with his chains until his captor was nearly decapitated…” referring to?
Aw crud I was hoping that Dak and Quin would be saved by the lady canid’s unrequited love instead of one-eyed guard’s pettiness! Let’s hope they’ll keep getting captured until they get it right.
Oh, I’m sure she’ll spearhead the effort to recapture them.
Solely out of love, understand.
I’m surprised nobody’s written a fanfic of Dakkan and lady Canid yet (or at least none that I know of)
(Credit goes to Tronn, not me.)
welp, problem solved
Oh yes, I saw this coming. Doesn’t make it any less satisfying after how the guard’s been acting, though. Of course, now they’re all alone in a garrison surrounded by hostiles, and Dakkan’s hurt and still chained to the wall.
Have I mentioned that this would make a great video game? Because it would.
As for where this is going to go next, I haven’t a clue. There are just too many possible permutations. Hopefully they can get out of here without running into Tosch again.
I’ve seen this coming ever since page 24, so about a month now.
I’m assuming that the next thing they’ll do is Quin will find the guard’s keys, unlock his and Dak’s wrists, lock the guard in Dak’s place and gag him, they’ll each drink half the water in the jug, eat the bread or store it on themselves for later, and then leave the cell, locking it behind them, and then try to get out of the garrison, battling any guards they come across using the bolt (unless it’s too small to be useful), the guard’s weapon if he had any, maybe the Quin’s chain, fistfighting and Tesque. Then if they get out they’ll try to go home to Sunsgrove.
This is of assuming the uppercut Dak took didn’t knock him out again, which it very easily could have. If that’s the case, I suppose they’d have to wait until he wakes back up to attempt all of the above. Fortunately however it’s evening, so if they run around the garrison at night there should be less canids up and about than if it was daytime.
Also I find the strangulation satisfying precisely *because* of how long I’ve been waiting for it to happen.
(And because Quin is getting a second chance to practice his MacGyvering skills.)
Armello! Ha! Have been playing that for awhile on xbox one (yes I’m a console peasant). Still waiting for the bandit clan to be released on this platform. Favorite character would have to be Elyssia of the rabbit clan. Whats your favorite characters Salmon party?
My favourite character?
I think that would be Gary the rat from the epynomous Spike Tv cartoon series…..
….What? OH! You mean from Armello!
I…. haven’t played it yet. Um….. I think I’m gonna go with….. the wolf from…. the Furry Road expansion?
So glad Quin didn’t kill the guy. I am a little worried that someone heard One-eye’s lil’ “woo” before he went out. Probably. Canids have the best hearing in Dunia, apparently. Now would be a great time to bust out of there.
I love that meme-tastic picture that SaraaLuna did. :}
But Dak’s still chained to the wall . . .
Time to work fast.
Well the guard probably has keys that unlock the chains (I hope?). So they probably won’t have to chip more mortar out of the wall. That would probably be too tedious for us readers (as well as for the characters) for Alex to include that.
I’m not worried. The walls are really thick (right?). Quin and Dak haven’t been bothering to whisper to each other, at any rate.
Given their tendency to appear similar to European knights, have you considered looking into any HEMA, Historical European Martial Arts, for the Canid? Specifically I think German longsword and ringen techniques would work well for them.
Hopefully Dak’s not too bothered by the fresh blood on his face…
As the Fallout New Vegas Fiends would say ” Do you like the smell of your own BLOOD” Although it honestly sounds more like blad instead of blood.
basecally choaks someone at LEAST to uncounsusness, then asks if ok. anyone else see something irionic here?!
He’s asking Dak, who just got punched.
Thats how you do it