The chase may be over, but now the HUNT is on!

We’ve been wanting to show the intricacies of a tamian treewalker hunt in the comic since… well, since the earliest days of the comic, when our prologue chapter hinted at these treetop battles.

Since then, a lot of background lore has been written and sketched out for how exactly these hunts take place, what happens when tamian participate, how they earn their cool little chitin chest plates–but we’ve never been able to show the hunt in action until now. Needless to say, we’re excited!

This page post is also a great opportunity to share an important announcement about War of the Western Deep if you missed it on our social media posts:

That’s right! Thanks to Western Deep partner Cervidian, we have been able to secure an initial round of independent funding that should allow us to complete the entire game’s development. If you’re unfamiliar with Cervidian, he is actually the same partner who came to our aid when the Western Deep IP was almost lost to an unscrupulous comic publisher, allowing us to reacquire the full rights to the world we’d created and pursue projects like the hardcovers and of course War of the Western Deep.

We couldn’t be more excited to be moving forward on the game, and that’s exactly what we’re doing now: signing contracts and locking in our milestones so we’re ready to tackle the journey ahead.

We’re excited to continue to share the development journey with all of you, and if you want more up-to-the-minute updates on things, we as always recommend following us on Twitter/X or BlueSky!