The Ringo Comics Awards Are Open!

Please cast your ballot for Beyond the Western Deep!

Thank you everyone for your understanding last week–I had a bit of a family emergency that took me on a whirlwind trip across the country and pretty much rendered me indisposed for the whole week. But I’m back now and in the swing of things, and we’re really excited to get back to the story!

Being a criminal isn’t always about escaping scot-free, as Rook clearly knows from experience. After his death-defying race to the aviary, he’s accomplished his task–and since they’re trapped in a small outpost in the middle of the desert, escape isn’t exactly in the cards this time.

You can even see from Rachel’s notes here that Beck is actually looking kinda blasé about the whole thing because this isn’t her first time being chained up as a criminal. Janik is trying to keep things together and Mitra is pretty angry about the whole thing, but Beck? She’s been here before–and this is either a small bump in the road…or the end of it.

Only time will tell which.

This week for guest art, given the resurgence of canid soldiers we can see throughout the page, I wanted to feature this wonderful piece by reader starlightsktchs of our favorite skewered canid general from Chapter 2: Clovis!

Yes, I know that’s a very specific qualifier–I just needed to make sure he was the only person who fit the description!

Thank you so much for this wonderful artwork, starlightsktchs! I love the look of him, his expression in particular being that perfect mix of superior and completely put-out. WHY are you bothering me? I just assumed it was the usual reason: that you’re a buffoon, and you don’t value my time.

Whoa Clovis, hey, calm down man!

I also love the background, evoking the canid flag! Very cool stuff :)

Also hey! ANOTHER CALL TO ACTION, if you’ll indulge us! As many of you know, Beyond the Western Deep: Volume One is available on Kindle/Comixology right now, and we’d really love to boost those review numbers!

We’ve got one review right now (thank you SO MUCH, Fruitso!) but the more we get, the more Amazon will surface the book!

To leave a review, you’ll need to grab a copy of the book, which you can do right here:

If you read it and enjoy it, we’d really appreciate it if you left a review, no matter how short! Thanks so much, and have yourselves a wonderful week!