For any of our readers who are planning to check out War of the Western Deep at the upcoming Adventure Game Fan Fair in Tacoma, WA, there’s been a last-minute CHANGE OF VENUE thanks to an unfortunate accident on the U of Tacoma campus that’s seen their electrical grid in a dire state of disrepair.

The new venue is the Greater Tacoma Convention Center, located at 1500 Commerce Street in Tacoma, WA.

The schedule, thankfully, remains the same–and thanks to the locking in of the venue we also now know where Sunsgrove Studios (our indie studio developing War of the Western Deep!) will be setting up for the show: Exhibitor Room 317, Table L!

We’ll have the latest version of our game demo available for play, along with a few hardcover books, prints, and more for sale (including new War of the Western Deep-themed stickers), so if you’re in the area next weekend, c’mon over and say hello!

A lot of readers no doubt saw this coming, but the TREEWALKERS have finally made a proper appearance in our main tale–barring their brief cameo in the prologue.

Yes, one particular treewalker did feature prominently in the “snackable adventure game” we made a few years ago, Wintersdawn in the Deep, and they appeared in a Tesque origin story we did for an Intermission post 11 years ago, and their distant cousins the sandskimmers have featured prominently in the nightmarish pages of The Abyssal Dunes… but now we finally get to see the Deep’s apex predator in their element!

Wait, that’s not a good thing, is it? That doesn’t sound like a good thing.

OH. Wait, everyone is in mortal danger right now, aren’t they? THEY ARE.

Well, see you in two weeks for the next post, then!