Right as we launched our last page, we were knee-deep in PAX West. Because I’d written the page post beforehand, I didn’t get much of a chance to share the initial reception to War of the Western Deep on the show floor of the largest video game convention in North America.

Well, readers–I don’t mind telling you that the initial reception was ABSOLUTELY BANANAS.

Our booth consisted of one demo station featuring our latest demo build of the game, and one continuously playing video reel showing animations from the game and our previous Kickstarter campaigns. The demo took about 15-20 minutes to play through in its entirety, and we regularly had crowds of people 6-10 deep crowding the booth watching the gameplay unfold.

We were so happy to see more than a few comic readers swing by the booth, even some long-time fans who didn’t know we were working on a game! If you weren’t able to make it to PAX West, don’t worry! We’re planning to return next year with an updated demo, and right now you can watch a full playthrough of the demo on YouTube:

This video represents a pretty direct playthrough, but we’ll be looking at posting a more robust “Director’s Cut” version soon with lots more interacting with the environment and sassing that felis bandit.

We were also incredibly honored to have the voice of Mirren herself stop by the booth and say hello to the team. Samantha Béart, who portrayed Karlach so wonderfully in Baldur’s Gate 3, understandably had a super busy schedule the whole PAX weekend! Still, we were lucky enough to have a chance to meet in person (and hand over a big bag’s worth of Western Deep books and other goodies), and get a picture of Samantha and the team!

We are SO lucky to have Samantha Béart helping us bring Mirren to life, and can’t wait for our next voice over session!

Now, on to the page!

Bevan and the other Sratha-din would have heard about treewalkers in campfire stories, but there’s obviously a difference in hearing a story and living one yourself. For example Bevan knows they’re supposed to be big, but are they really supposed to be this big?

When you see seasoned tamian scouts like Quinlan and Crim looking distressed, you probably already know the answer.