Murder! Mayhem! Canid assassins in the Sunsgrovian Embassy! YOU probably know what this is all about, but those poor Lutren and Tamian look completely taken by surprise. Seems that the mayhem from elsewhere in this world is starting to seep into its more idyllic locales.


As you can see in the original thumbnail, the second panel was a good deal more ‘straight-on’, showing the angle from our main trio’s perspective. While this was serviceable, Jerome wasn’t too thrilled with it and we noodled on a few alternatives. Ultimately, we decided the smartest thing to do would be to flip the camera angle around to the other side of the room, so the Canid assassins are moving toward the camera, not away from it. Much more menacing that way.

After a few rounds of feedback (THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH), we’re getting closer to a final t-shirt design. This is our latest pass:


One of the biggest points of feedback was that the text in the earlier pass looked too static and somehow disconnected from Quinlan. This new design gives the text a little bit more space to occupy in the design, giving it a more “emblem”-like look and also anchors Quin a little better.

The latest few passes, for those who didn’t catch our shout-outs on Twitter and Tumblr, also removed the 2-tone approach that was more appropriate for ink-limited screen printing (we’ll be using digital printing for these shirts, so we can use as many different colors as we want). Rachel also added some distressing to the image, giving it a more weathered feel.

This week for guest art, Veigue surprised us with a wonderful new piece showing not just the Western Deep characters as humans, but their Song of the Eastern Sands compatriots! Check this out:


From left to right, we’ve got Rook, Beck, Hardin, Quin, Dakkan, Eira, and Theo!

I love how even with the switch to human characters, everyone still looks interesting and unique, and I’d still love to see these characters participating in their adventures. Veigue, you did an incredible job translating the Eastern Sands crew. Jerome and I love how they turned out :)