Okay, yeah, it definitely seems like there’s more than one sandskimmer now. That’s probably not the best thing in the world.

Maybe there are only two?

I’m sure there are only two.

Image result for webtoons logo"

We’ve gone and added CHAPTER ONE to our Webtoon uploads, which you can check out right here:! Please be sure to check it out, leave a nice review, share the love, etc!

I will be updating some of the website pages for the Prologue and Chapter One in short order to reflect some script changes we made waaaay back in 2014 for the initial hardcover, so if things look a little different whenever you go back to re-read the story from the beginning, that’s the reason. If you backed the Kickstarter, you’ll have noticed the changes in there. They’re minor, for the most part, but we DID remove an entire page–the one showing the interior of the Spire, which was actually an early experiment in using 3D reference models, but neither of us were a big fan and ultimately cut the page when the script was updated.

Hey, you know what? Stuff is happening with the Volume Two Kickstarter! Pre-production is in full swing not just on the rewards, but the stuff we’re doing to promote the campaign itself. We’re excited to share a WHOLE BUNCH OF AWESOME STUFF, but here’s a screenshot that gives a small taste of what’s in store:

Nolan Markey, who’s written some incredible music for the world of the Western Deep (including the wonderful theme for our first Kickstarter video) is back for Volume Two.

More on this and other stuff soon! Suffice it to say, we’re pulling out all the stops for this second campaign, and we think you all are really going to like what’s in store.

For guest art this week, new reader A Canid Soldier sent in this wonderful piece of a…well, a canid soldier! He goes by the name Dinly Vartus, and he looks a little something like this:

Thank you so much for the wonderful artwork, Canid Soldier! Dinly Vartus looks quite regal in his uniform there!