Thanks to 473 incredible backers, we not only met our main goal of funding a hardcover printing of Volume 3, but we also hit THREE separate stretch goals!

That means every single backer is getting a digital download of our Music of the Western Deep orchestral album, every single physical tier backer is getting a mini-print of Kosperry’s amazing V3 promo artwork and a brand-new emote sticker sheet, and every single pin tier is getting a DOUBLE pin set featuring both Beck and Janik.

Of course, these rewards will also make their way to the BackerKit pre-order store for folks who missed the campaign or otherwise weren’t able to pledge.

In other Western Deep news, PAX West is going to be coming to Seattle in just a few weeks, and I’ll be there showing our War of the Western Deep pitch build and deck to folks around the show floor as we begin our search for a publishing partner. Feedback thus far has been very positive, and we’re excited to widen the circle as we start the funding process.

That’s all for now–but we’ll be updating here regularly, along with on Twitter (@TheWesternDeep) and BlueSky (westerndeep). That’s right, on BlueSky we managed to snag just “WesternDeep”! The benefits of early adoption :)