Well hello, everyone! Thank you all once again for your incredible support during our very first Wintersdawn extravaganza. We really look forward to coming up with new and interesting ways to celebrate the holiday every year and give you all something exciting to dive into.

Speaking of diving into things, let’s roll up our ermehn arm warmers and jump back into where we left things off!

If it wasn’t ever quite clear before, Eira is definitely a student of the Ashtor school of “telling it like it is.” She doesn’t suffer fools throwing around terrible ideas, and Rathik’s insistence the Sratha-din turn Deltrada Garrison into their personal fortress may sound appealing to somebody who just wants to take out as many canid as possible, but the canid probably wouldn’t appreciate that very much.

Rathik doesn’t look like he appreciates the burn. He doesn’t look like a burn-appreciator in general, I suppose.

Or maybe there’s something else drawing his ire in that final panel? Doodles of Rathik in her book with big “I AM A BIG DOOFUS” written over his head? I guess we’ll find out next week!

For guest art, I wanted to share this wonderful piece of art that my sister, Caroline, actually presented to me as a Christmas present this year! Check it out:

It’s printed on canvas, stretched over a wooden frame. Every single texture outside of the logo art was directly sourced from actual leaves that she found around her house in New England. Pretty freaking cool, right? It now hangs on my apartment wall and I absolutely love it. Thank you SO MUCH, Caroline! It’s absolutely perfect.

Don’t forget, if you haven’t had a chance to check out Wintersdawn in the Deep on PC, you can still grab it for “pay whatever you want” at itch.io right here: https://westerndeep.itch.io/wintersdawn