Desperate times may call for desperate measures, but in the desert it’s never a good idea to go prematurely romping around the dunes if you know you’ve got time to swing by the well for a quick refill first. Water is the currency that keeps the Desert of Zin moving and prosperous, so the public well is always easily accessible at each of the waystations along the Trail of Zin.

You’ve actually seen it already just a few pages back, near the entrance our party arrived at.

Clearly Mitra’s mystery friend and the possible connection to her past as a trade consular have shaken the group–Mitra herself perhaps most of all. Which makes sense, considering that anything involving the vulpin Great Houses, even for those most versed in their intricacies, represents peak unpredictability.

Janik herself is being very assertive–something she definitely learned from Mitra during her lessons! For guest art this week, I wanted to lean into that bit of her character and found an absolutely wonderful little piece from longtime reader and guest art contributor, Shay!

Shay’s extremely expressive style absolutely works here, selling an overly tentative Quinlan and an overly assertive Janik in BABY FORM :) Or, well, child forms at least. I love the whole Western Deep Kids angle, honestly–I’m not sure we’d ever visit that in the official comic beyond the handful of glimpses we’ve gotten in flashbacks, but goodness knows I’m a sucker for it in fan works!

ALSO for folks who don’t know, the upcoming Guild Wars 2 expansion End of Dragons is launching on February 28th, just a few short weeks away! I helped write some main story chapters for it, and have been eagerly awaiting its launch for a very, very long time. We just released a cool in-game trailer for it, which you can see right here:

Enjoy! See you all next time!