In the simple but strangely memorable words of Full Throttle villain Nestor:

Rook had BETTER run, because while the canid aiming for his heart might have been stymied by that bit of bronze on his chest, there’s more than a bit of doubt he’d get that lucky with a direct hit again.

Though…you know? Between the sandstorm and the new cloak? Maybe Rook has a fighting chance! What’s everyone think?

I absolutely love all the little details Rachel has been able to squeeze into this page–from the motion smear of Rook’s impromptu cloak in the final panel to the clouds of sand being kicked up by Rook as he throws himself around the scene. Also the dent in his breastplate will make a fine little trophy to prove its effectiveness…assuming he’s able to survive this encounter!

For guest art this week, I wanted to share this gorgeous hero shot of Quinlan, Dakkan, and Kenosh that was sent in by Jay Quincy aka Starlightsktchs!

Thank you SO MUCH for sending this over, Jay! I love the framing of the shot, and each character looks appropriately ready to throw down! The broken “Welcome” to Aisling sign is also a fun, clever touch :)

A reminder for folks that Beyond the Western Deep: Vol 1 is now available on Amazon/Comixology via ebook format, featuring a beat-by-beat view that is wholly unique to this version.

You can check it out right here!

I’m also currently working on getting Volume 2 ready for the platform as well.

In terms of other Western Deep-related news, we’re still hard at work planning and developing new projects. Some things are further along than others, and we’re excited to reveal them to you here and on our social media the moment they’re ready to be shared. Be sure to give us a follow at if you haven’t already.

Have yourselves a great weekend, and see you next time!