We’re staggeringly close to reaching our main Kickstarter goal of $18,000, with a mere $346 to go as of this writing!


If you haven’t pledged yet, check out the link and help us cross the finish line!

Once we hit it, we’ve got a number of incredible stretch goals we can reach for, including every backer (digital AND physical) getting a digital download copy of Music of the Western Deep: Volume One, our amazing orchestral album composed by long-time friend of the series, Nolan Markey, that takes listeners on a tour of the world of the Western Deep.

And if we push further, we’ve got a brand-new emote sticker sheet that will get packed into every single physical reward tier!

And then of course we’ve got the enamel pins! Everyone gets Janik in their pin-including pledge, but if we hit our pin stretch goal everyone gets BECK included!

But it all starts with the base goal! We’re so close to hitting it, so help us get there! Check out the project link at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2036424072/beyond-the-western-deep-volume-three!