It’s often suggested that writers put a little bit of themselves into each of their characters. With Cain, I’m sure a lot of folks figured that the piece of my persona he received was just a variation on my surname. But HECK NO! There’s a lot more to him than meets the eye. For example, he’s a history buff who likes to read books. Because HISTORY IS NEAT.

Yurk wants Cain to keep his eye on proverbial ball, but he’s also making a fascinating point that history is ALL AROUND US! I’m sure there are more than a few vulpin and felis scholars who would love to check out these abandoned catacombs and catalog every corpse they find.

Here’s a quick Kickstarter friend announcement for folks! DM Cumbo, who has been incredibly supportive of Beyond the Western Deep, ran a very successful Kickstarter of his own for the officially-licensed graphic novel Yooka-Laylee and the Kracklestone. The digital version of the book has just been released to backers (and you can get it yourself if you grab the book via his BackerKit page)!

The book is wonderfully-written, with eye-popping artwork that really brings the colorful world of Yooka-Laylee to life. Call me a curmudgeon, but I vastly prefer the graphic novel’s dialogue to the shortened text and garbled sound effects of the game. I know, I know, it’s just doing what Banjo Kazooie did, but after a while I couldn’t stand it. Yooka-Laylee and the Kracklestone, though? Perfect!

If you feel like supporting the book, you can still grab it on DM Cumbo’s BackerKit by following this link!