Please consider BEYOND THE WESTERN DEEP for the Ringo Awards Nominations! 

Every year, the Ringo Awards take in reader and fan nominations for the year’s best comics and comics creators. If you enjoy reading, please visit the link below and vote for Beyond the Western Deep in “Best Webcomic” and whatever categories you think fit!

Okay, I think Yurk’s recovered? I wouldn’t say he’s “over it” quite yet, but that’s prime Yurk-ism right there.

Not too much to add that Yurk hasn’t, so I’ll skip right ahead to fun KICKSTARTER NEWS:


That’s right, if you’re reading this and you backed Beyond the Western Deep: Volume Two and the PDF tier or higher, this upcoming week you will be receiving an email (the one you used to back our Kickstarter campaign)! When you do, you’ll find links to both Volume One and Volume Two PDFs, as well as MP3 and FLAC versions of Nolan Markey’s amazing Western Deep main theme, as performed by the full orchestra at Budapest Recording.

We’ll also be sending out a Kickstarter update at the same time for all of our $10-and-higher backers with a Discord invite, so if you’ve been wanting to join our burgeoning little online community, stay tuned!

We’re very close to delivering our final pages to the printer as well, which will be a huge milestone for us! Things have been a little slow-going as everyone’s had to deal with COVID-19, but we’re excited to keep things trucking along and getting a series of wonderful products out for all of our wonderful backers.


Hey, it’s been a little bit since we’ve featured some of our amazing guest art, hasn’t it? Let’s rectify that.

Here’s a wonderful mashup piece by longtime reader and guest contributor Jerijune! Anyone here remember the classic Patapon series on PSP? Maybe you’ve looked into it on your PS4? Well, it’s a super stylish rhythm combat game that Jerijune meshed beautifully with Beyond the Western Deep. Check it out!

I can almost hear the rhythmic chanting in my head! Amazing work, Jerijune! Thank you so much for sharing it with us, so we can share it with the wider Western Deep community!