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Cain and Yurk’s official “worst night ever” seems to have come to a close with the dawn of a new day. Nessa isn’t that far off, of course–this abandoned city-state was one of the few that tried to compete with Nessa for control of the water supply that runs under the sands, and when Nessa emerged the victor, expansion and growth has continually crept closer to the ruins of its old enemies. Perhaps it would be wise for the city to send some exterminators to take care of the sandskimmer nest down there before things get out of control?

Yurk is also pretty quick to forgive Cain, especially after the canid makes a very solid point: Yurk saved him once, but Cain definitely returned the favor. And also we can’t forget Yurk was the one who wanted to delve into the ruins in the first place.

As mentioned last week, we promised to send out Kickstarter digital rewards this past week, and fortunately we were able to do so without much difficulty! There was a slight hiccup early on where I unlocked the rewards before sending surveys out that would actually link to the reward downloads page (which means it was about as helpful as giving somebody keys for an engine-less car), but we got things back on track pretty quick! If you backed our Kickstarter campaign at the $10 PDF tier or higher, you should have received a link to both Volume One and Two PDFs, as well as Nolan’s main theme in MP3 and FLAC variants!

This week for guest art, a fun little piece featuring everyone’s favorite resident angry ermehn who could also crush your skull with his bare hands: Rathik! This piece, by John Tucker, reveals just the sort of thing Rathik dreams out: he may be big and he may able to go toe-to-toe with canid soldiers with ease, but what if he was REALLY BIG? How many canid could he take out THEN?

The answer is, evidently, a lot.


Thank you for the fun image, John! Rathik will have to wake up eventually, but until he does, I’m sure he’ll appreciate getting to smash canid garrisons and fortresses like they’re sandcastles. I doubt it’ll put him in a better mood, but here’s hoping!