Our Volume 3 Kickstarter campaign officially begins on JULY 18th!

This is going to be our fourth Kickstarter campaign, following the successful campaigns for Volume One, Volume Two, and our Music of the Western Deep soundtrack album.

We’ll have the Volume 3 hardcover available of course, in both a standard matte cover (visible as the header image of today’s post) and a limited edition “gloss and gold” version featuring striking black-and-white artwork by Rachel and gold foil lettering, just like our previous limited edition books.

There will also be new character pins–starting with Janik, but with a succulent-tossing Beck as a stretch goal.

We’re also planning a BIG stretch goal: a full softcover omnibus collecting Volumes 1-3 together into a single book. We love the hardcover collections and won’t be stopping those anytime soon, but we were never fans of new readers at conventions feeling the need to buy up every single hardcover to catch up on the story, and we also didn’t like the idea of just reprinting the hardcovers in softcover.

We’ll have more information (and a Kickstarter page link) available soon. For now, mark your calendars! July 18th is just around the corner!