Apologies for the delay everyone–it’s been a pretty tough couple weeks here as the summer gets into gear and new projects spin up! We’re going to also be taking a break next week, but swing by our Twitter account here for fun updates throughout the next couple weeks!

Anyway, on to the page!

Oh no! We’re stopping here?? WE’RE STOPPING HERE? Well, for Janik, Mitra, Beck, and Rook…yes, for the moment!

The quartet is in trouble, backup is no longer in sight, and this canid patrol seems to be assuredly leading them into the desert for ill purposes. Could it be that Janik’s diplomatic foray has ended before it’s begun? Are the Sand Spiders about to lose half of their number?

We’ll just have to wait and see!

The perspective switch does have a benefit, however! Characters that we haven’t visited for a while have a chance to show up again. It’s like seeing a bunch of old friends again after almost a year apart! In this case, since August of last year (wow).

Speaking of AUGUST, I’m pleased to announce that Rachel and I will be attending C2E2 in Chicago this August!

We haven’t done this particular show since 2015, and WOW has a lot changed since then! The hardcovers are nicer, there’s more fun merch available, and because it’s been so long since we’ve been to this particular show, all of it will be new for the local crowd!

If you’re a reader, please do stop on by if you can. We’ll have more information available as the show gets closer (like, for example, where our table is going to be located).

Unfortunately, we did NOT make it into Emerald City again this year, but we still have a few shows in the wings we’re waiting for news on. The moment we know anything, we’ll let you know.

And of course, the “Music of the Western Deep” Kickststarter is coming up!

That’s right, we’re going to be planning for a July 5th launch, so expect things like the pitch video, pledge tier previews, and more in the coming weeks.