Hello and welcome back to Beyond the Western Deep! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season and the new year is treating you all right!

We’d be lying if we said our months-long hiatus was part of the plan. Some years the holiday glut is a bit more glut-like than other years. This year was perhaps the worst we’ve seen in terms of siphoning Rachel’s considerable artistic powers, but we’ve tried to keep things moving with the release of Wintersdawn in the Deep on Steam, our short story collection Tales from the Spire: Volume One, the Music of the Western Deep Kickstarter album (which is coming along nicely!), preparing to launch our Kickstarter for Volume 3, and the development a much larger video game follow-up to Wintersdawn that we are in active development on right now.

The game features adventure-style exploration…

…and combat!

Yup, we’re aiming for a full game in a comic-accurate style that employs the incredible talents of Knights of the Light Table (the same studio that did our Volume 2 Kickstarter animation).

We don’t have much else to announce regarding this title other than that I’m working on it and we’ve made some incredible progress on it in the last year-plus.

ANYWAY! Onto the page!

As always, Rachel completely knocks the expression game out of the park, which is particularly important in this scene–laced with subtext and suspicion as it is. Crim may have a personal beef with Quinlan and may not particularly care for Dakkan, but he takes his position as a defender of the Western Deep very seriously and knows how important their mission to the north was.

The tension, as they say, is palpable!

Thank you all so much for your patience these last few months. It’s been a tough Q4 and things have been very slow spinning up this month, but we’re excited to be moving forward on a number of exciting Western Deep-related projects.

In the meantime, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @thewesterndeep for news and updates beyond the posts here!