Looks like Quin and Dak are off the hook for now, but with walkers about, WHO KNOWS?

Work continues apace for the various Western Deep related projects we’ve announced, and we couldn’t be more excited to share those updates with the community as they come together.

For starters, here’s a fun work-in-progress musical piece we recently shared with our Music of the Western Deep Kickstarter backers featuring the piece “The Wastes,” which you might remember from our original sampler piece–only now built out with an expanded theme.

You can give it a listen right here: CHECK IT OUT!

As I wrote in the Kickstarter update: “If it feels like the musical motifs in the latter half are pulling the lower darker themes up into a higher place…well, that directly mirrors Hardin’s own arc in the story. Nolan has proven a tremendous partner in all this, completely grokking the characters and themes of the world of Beyond the Western Deep as he integrates them into his music.”

By the way, if you missed the music Kickstarter, we haven’t locked pre-orders yet!

If you wanted to get in on the rewards there, you can always visit the BackerKit preorder store (at least for the next month or so we we wrap on the digital album and need to prepare physical rewards).

Until next time!