This will be a quick hiatus post because PAX is this weekend, but I wanted to let you all know that Leah Briere and I will be attending Rose City Comic Con in just a few short weeks in Portland, Oregon from September 13th to the 15th!

Image result for rose city comic con

I apologize for the late announcement, but we didn’t actually know we were going to be invited to go until just a couple days ago. Leah and I are both local to the Seattle area, so we’ll be heading down to the show to sell Western Deep stuff, and I have it on good authority there may even be some prints of Leah’s wonderful The Scholar and the Seawal cover art!

So yes! That’s September 13-15th, Artist Alley KK-05!

And in other news, ArenaNet (the studio in which I work!) just announced their new Living World story this morning, called “The Icebrood Saga.” It will be kicking off on September 17th, coincidentally right after Rose City Comic Con. You can check out the trailer here: